Privacy Policy


During your visit to, «KYRIAKOULI SOZIA» may gather certain personal information that is necessary to set up your account, for the purposes of billing, delivery of your goods and queries.

Receiver of the personal data is «KYRIAKOULI SOZIA», and the data are transferred and stored to servers of companies we collaborate with, and who are bound by a signed commitment for the security and no further transmission.

The users of have the right at any time, to correct the data they have declared, to update it, modify or to demand no further processing or deletion of their data, by communicating with the customer service through the link “Contact” in

The personal data you declare in any webpage of the website, are exclusively used to service your transactions with us, the improvement of the services provided and to ensure the operation of the corresponding services and is not allowed to be used by any third party according to the law 2472/97. Exceptionally personal data are transmitted and communicated in courts and public authorities, where imposed by law or judicial decision.

The credentials that identify you, are two: your Username and your personal secret Password , that anytime you can use them to access your personal data. The only one who has access at your personal details is you by using those credentials and you are resposible to keep them secret from any third persons. In case of loss or leak to third persons you have to notify us immediately, otherwise the online store is not responsible of use of your credentials by unauthorized persons.

If you have any enquiry or proposal or statement regarding this issue please contact us.