Transaction Security

«KYRIAKOULI SOZIA» recognizes the importance of security issues regarding your personal data and your electronic transactions and takes all appropriate technical and organisational measures, to ensure maximum possible security. All the informations, related to your personal data and your transactions, are safe and secret.

To protect your personal data we use encryption to applicable industry standards. Therefore in every webpage that you submit personal data or passwords they are encrypted before leaving your computer and are decrypted when they reach our server and vice versa so nobody in the middle can read them.

Your credit card transactions shall be performed on the secure electronic payments platform of ALPHAl BANK and uses TLS 1.1 encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL) encryption protocol and shall be subject to the bank’s service security level. Furthermore, no details of your card are stored on servers.

We suggest, for better security, to change your passwords regularly and avoid to use the same and easy to guess passwords (e.x. date of birth). We also encourage you to use not only letters or number but also symbols when you create your password.